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The Department of Law has the task of perpetuating the tradition of the study of law in the city of Modena: a tradition that can be traced back to 1175, when Pillio da Medicina left Bologna and went to teach law in Modena, thus officially inaugurating the Studium iuris modenese. Since its establishment, therefore, the Department has been a point of reference in the territory for the dissemination of legal study and research. The vision of the structure therefore moves from a unified assessment of the three fundamental missions of the University, which, enhanced in their reciprocal interconnections and synergies, can ensure results of excellence in terms of knowledge development, knowledge transfer and the advancement of skills in the legal field. 

In particular, the Department's identity profile is characterised by a high degree of attention to the relationship with schools and a deep dedication and care in the creation of targeted transversal skills pathways and orientation activities. In this sense, the Department's mission aims to foster greater awareness among students in choosing a pathway consistent with their abilities and aptitudes and, at the same time, to counteract phenomena of youth dispersion and disorientation by constantly reflecting on young people's aspirations for cultural growth, their needs and any difficulties they encounter on their pathway. 

The commitment to student support continues with the intense tutoring and orientation activities that, together with the focus on the quality of the teaching provided, anchored to a solid basic preparation, is able to ensure the placement of our graduates in a changing and dynamic labour market. Within this framework, there is no shortage of space for professionalisation courses, created from a wide range of optional and free-choice examinations that focus on certain thematic strands: discrimination and vulnerability, food sustainability, well-being and sport, artificial intelligence and digitalisation, work and the third sector. 

As an essential element in the definition of the teaching offer, but also of the third mission activities, free and independent scientific research is affirmed as the driving force behind the Department's cultural design, especially in its international and multidisciplinary dimension. On these bases, the Department's educational proposal is designed according to a strategic model that does not focus on the variety of choices, in terms of study courses, but rather on a constant qualitative verification of the offer, firmly anchored to the theoretical-scientific dimension of teaching and to the method, as a tool for understanding and critically interpreting complex legal contents, regularly updated and responding to the needs of an increasingly global and technologically advanced society. 

The research and training activities thus become the substratum for the Third Mission initiatives, in a dimension of dissemination of legal culture and legality, through lifelong learning activities, public engagement, social and economic valorisation of research within a synergic interaction with local bodies and institutions. Some initiatives with a national and international vocation, such as the Festival of Migrations and the Festival of Legality, as well as all the activities organised by the numerous Research Centres active in the Department, are paradigmatic examples of this.

The Festival of Migration, moreover, has been selected among the 7 UNIMORE universities sent for the VQR third mission, 4 due to its excellent evaluation. The Department therefore intends to promote all opportunities for dialogue with the social partners, professional orders, and public and private institutions, also starting with the privileged interaction with the Modena Military Academy and the Marco Biagi Foundation.

In conclusion, the cultural project, and consequently the strategic vision that inspires the Department's activities, in line with that of the University, indicates as a unified objective the confirmation of the structure as a proactive player in the city of Modena, a direct interlocutor of bodies, institutions, business and professional realities, and a flywheel of values such as sustainability, justice, legality, non-discrimination and equal opportunities, innovation and the growth of future generations.