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Testo di presentazione

In addition to teaching (which can be defined as the first mission of the University and which is carried out through the relationship with students) and scientific research (second mission, in relation with the scientific community), the Department of Law of Unimore has always been dedicated to further activities, which are characterized by an openness towards the socio-economic fabric and an interaction with external subjects (public and private) and with civil society (so-called “third mission” of the University). Far from closing itself within a turris eburnea, isolated from the social context, the Department in fact wants to transfer to society the legal knowledge, acquired through research, and enhance it, thanks also to the contribution of the outside world.

More specifically, the valorization of research can be appreciated both in economic terms (as in the case of consulting activities or other services carried out for third parties) and in terms of the cultural contribution that the acquired knowledge can provide to the development of society. The Department promotes and actively participates in the debate on issues of particular political and civic relevance, at local, national, European and international levels, and in the dissemination of legal knowledge (we speak in this regard of activities of civic engagement or public engagement).

These actions take place in the form of meetings with the public (debates; conferences; seminars; round tables), activities aimed at the world of schooling, publication of writings or films of a popular nature, organization of public events (e.g., Researchers' Night), exhibitions or performances, participation of Department faculty in radio and television broadcasts, hearings (Italian Parliament, European institutions, regional assemblies) or the activities of international organizations.   

Fundamental then turns out to be the Department's role in the continuing education of legal practitioners (lawyers, magistrates, notaries, labor consultants, accountants, civil servants, police or military forces). One may recall the numerous activities promoted by the Department together with professional orders, the School of the Judiciary, in cooperation with business associations, regional and local authorities, European and international institutions.

Over the past few years, some III mission activities have been consolidated and have acquired periodic frequency, such as, e.g:

- the Festival of Migration, promoted by UNIMORE's Interdepartmental Research Center on Discrimination and Vulnerability together with the Migrantes Foundation of the CEI;

- the Renzo Imbeni Summer School, dedicated to promoting and deepening the debate on European integration; organized by the Municipality of Modena, the Department is, together with the Collegio San Carlo Foundation and other European and national institutions, among its promoters.