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Teaching Secretariat


The Teaching Secretariat follows students throughout their entire course of study offering them:

  • didactic information on the Courses of Study offered by the Department
  • ingoing and in ongoing orientatiom
  • general information in case of course transitions or transfers (for didactic information, it is necessary to contact the tutors of the individual Degree Courses -> Prof. Francesco Diamanti (LMG) - Prof. Guido Corapi (SGIPA); for information on administrative partics, contact the Student Secretariat)
  • assistance for online registration for exams and for filling out the questionnaires of evaluation of teaching and for the compilation of the study plan

The Teaching Secretariat maintains the following opening hours to the public: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Department of Law located in Via San Geminiano, 3 - Modena - mezzanine floor, Dr. Michela Pia De Felice

It is also possible to request an appointment outside office hours. Send an email to