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Testo di presentazione

The Department of Law offers a range of information, guidance and mentoring services so that students can best navigate all stages of their university journey.
For all administrative paperwork, the student can contact the Student Secretary's Office.
For information and guidance on teaching and the study plan, he or she can contact the Teaching Secretariat.

The Department also implements Incoming Orientation, Ongoing Orientation and Tutoring and offers specific services aimed at students with disabilities and with DSA (specific learning disorders).

A useful starting point for navigating the university world is offered by the Student Handbook (in italian language only).

Teaching materials and other communications such as student measures, graduation session committees, and midterm results are available on the Moodle (for the master's degree) and Dolly (for BLENDED courses) portal which students can access through their unimore account.

The Department of Law provides students with an Office dedicated to the organization of internships as well as, together with specific University services, to the placement of graduates.
In fact, the Courses of Study offered by the Department provide the opportunity to directly experience work experience before obtaining the degree, giving students the chance to put into practice what they have learned through university study.