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Testo di presentazione

This section describes the educational activities related to Ministerial Decree 270/04, offered by the Department of Law.

These are courses that grant bachelor's and master's degrees:

bachelor's degree courses (first-level degree)
master's degree courses (second-level degree).
The Department of Law also offers educational opportunities subsequent to first- and second-level degree programs.

Undergraduate master's degrees are scientific and advanced training courses, which are accessed by those with a bachelor's or master's degree. The master's degree is awarded after acquiring at least 60 university credits (CFUs).

Postgraduate Courses are courses of continuing and recurrent higher education, subsequent to the awarding of a bachelor's or master's degree, of shorter duration than master's degrees and involving the acquisition of a number of credits defined from time to time depending on the organization of the individual course.

Active Formative Traineeships are one-year courses in preparation for teaching, reserved for individuals who have completed a Master's degree.