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Law has always been the main tool used by human communities to resolve disputes peacefully, and at the same time it is a vector of social and cultural evolution not only of peoples and nations, but also of the international community. Thanks to law, individuals can enjoy certain fundamental freedoms and social benefits; thanks to law, it is possible to have certainty and protections in mercantile and financial transactions; thanks to law, society represses harmful or dangerous behavior through certain and proportionate sanctions.

The study of law - combined with that of the historical, philosophical, economic and anthropological disciplines ancillary to it constitutes the primary objective of the courses of study of the Department of Law of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. A Department endowed with very ancient roots (it was founded in 1175 at the dawn of the experience of the medieval Universitas) but with a broad perspective look towards the future.

This prospective gaze is developed within an absolutely prestigious location, equipped with the most modern learning technologies, a library rich in volumes and databases, through a peculiar attention to teaching that has led to very high approval ratings among students and a placement at the top of national teaching rankings.