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Part-time enrollments, waivers, transfers, and course transitions


Part-time (part-time) enrollment.

In addition to full-time, the Law Department's courses of study also provide the option of part-time (i.e., 50 percent) enrollment. The request can be made by students for proven personal, economic or social reasons, for all years of the course. This scheme provides for a commitment equal to half of what is provided for the relevant current year. The option remains firm for two academic years.

To enroll part-time, one must apply online at the time of matriculation if enrolling in the first year, or by Sept. 30 if enrolling in years after the first.

The application is to spread the teachings of one year's course over two academic years and must be approved by the Departmental Council.

You must fill out the “Part Time Enrollment” form that can be downloaded from

For more information on the procedure to be followed for part-time enrollment, contact the Student Secretary's Office.


Renunciation of studies

Students who wish to waive their studies must apply to the student secretary's office.

For more information, contact the Student Secretary's.


Transfers from other Universities and/or transitions from other Course of Study.

Students enrolled in another University who wish to study at the Department of Law must make a transfer. Students enrolled in the Department of Law on the courses of study ex DM 270/04 or otherwise at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, who want to change degree courses, must make a course transfer.

Transfers and course transitions are possible only on courses ex DM 270/04.

The Department accepts incoming transfers and course transitions from the beginning of matriculation until 31/10 of each year.

It is possible to ask the referring professors for a prior analysis of your previous career in order to know which subjects, if any, may be recognized and the year of the course in which you will be enrolled.

Requests for transfers and course transitions must be approved by the Department Council.

The contact lecturers are:

for the single-cycle Master's degree in Law, Prof. Francesco Diamanti (;for the Master's degree in Business and PA Law, Prof. Guido Corapi (

Contact the Student Secretary's for administrative procedures.