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Laboratories and research groups

Computer workshop DET - “Diritto Etica Tecnologie” (computer-legal field)

Informatics Workshop DET – “Diritto Etica Tecnologie” addresses issues dealing with the relationship between new technologies and society, neuroscience and legal thought, the influence of technological innovations and legal reflection.

Each topic is addressed with an approach that can be traced back to legal informatics, with the intention of tracing a path of analysis and critical reading of the contemporary debate on the diffusion and use of new technologies, information and telematics.

It is coordinated by Gianluigi Fioriglio e di Serena Vantin

Workshop on discrimination and vulnerability

It takes the form of a Cycle of Dialogues promoted annually, starting in 2016, by Prof. Thomas Casadei as part of the course “Theory and Practice of Human Rights,” in collaboration with the Women's Documentation Center Modena and, in some cases, with the Inter-University Research Group on Women's Political Subjectivity.

Legal translation workshop

Components: Serena Vantin (Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia, co-coordinatrice); Luana Maria Alagna (Univ. di Roma La Sapienza); Barbara Giovanna Bello (Univ. di Milano); Abdelhakim Bouchraa (mediatore giuridico culturale); Giovanna Colautti (Univ. di Udine); Gianluigi Fioriglio (Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia); Massimo Gelardi (Centro Documentazione CRID); Monica Granell Toledo (Univ. di Valencia, Spagna); Katie Johnstone (Medecins sans frontieres/Medici senza frontiere); Mirinda Ashley Karshan (Univ. di Roma La Sapienza); Patrick Leech (Dip. Interpretazione e Traduzione, Univ. di Bologna, sede di Forlì); Carlo Mercurelli (Univ. di San Luis, Argentina); Toni Morant i Ariño (Univ. di Valencia, Spagna); Sebastián Pattin (Univ. de Mar del Plata), Rosaria Pirosa (Univ. di Firenze), Silvia Salardi (Univ. di Milano Bicocca), Aaron Thomas (Univ. della California, Los Angeles, USA); Federico Trocini (Istituto di Studi Storici Gaetano Salvemini - Torino); Gianmaria Zamagni (Univ. di Vallendar, Germania).

Health and New Technologies Working Group

Within the framework of the Informatics Workshop, the Working Group “Health and New Technologies” has been formed.  It analyzes, with a multidisciplinary approach, the ethical-legal questions posed by technologies that have pervaded the fields of health and medical care. Special reference should be made to the evolving fields of bioethics, applied ethics, legal informatics and medical informatics.

Members of the group include: Claudia Canali, Thomas Casadei, Francesco De Vanna,  Alessia Farano, Michele Ferrazzano, Gianluigi Fioriglio, Fernando Llano Alonso, Valeria Marzocco, Noemi Miniscalco, Stefano Pietropaoli, Silvia Salardi, Maria Cristina Santini, Simone Scagliarini, Serena Vantin, Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Silvia Zullo. 
Scientific Coordination: Rosaria Pirosa.   

Working group on new forms of vulnerability: pathological gambling (GAP)

The Working Group on Pathological Gambling, coordinated by Prof. Simone Scagliarini, was established in order to support territorial administrations fighting against the phenomenon.

The Italian regulatory framework on the subject of gambling with cash winnings (licit or gambling) has seen a succession of a vast series of state legislative measures in recent years, mostly aimed at increasing the supply of gambling considered licit, on the assumption that this reduces criminal infiltration in this market.

In reality, this has only induced an increase in “gaming,” which is now a thriving industry that turns over billions, as well as its pathological degeneration - the phenomenon of so-called “gambling addiction.”

In the face of this, the research activity of the CRID, aims first and foremost to support territorial administrations and operators in the sector to counter the phenomenon, support victims and, above all, prevent new outbreaks.

A scientific outcome of the group's activity is represented by the seventh volume of the series) “Diritto e vulnerabilità – Studi e ricerche del CRID” published by the publishing house Giappichelli: I pericoli del gioco d'azzardo nell'era digitale. Strategie di prevenzione e azioni di contrasto (a cura di S. Vantin, 2021).