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Postgraduate Course in Law, Business and Agribusiness Security (DISA)

The Postgraduate Course in Law, Business and Agri-Food Safety (only in Italian language) aims to train experts in agri-food law and safety in response to the demands of businesses, trade associations, law firms and health care companies, providing the legal skills (and particularly in agri-food law) needed to work, in various roles and in various sectors, with agri-food law and legislation.


The teaching activity will be divided into four modules :
MODULE I - The legislation of the sector
MODULE II - The agri-food market.
MODULE III - Contracts and liability.
MODULE IV - Risk & Compliance

- Recent graduates (master's or bachelor's) from any discipline: law, economics, control and food safety, food science and technology, biology, veterinary medicine.
- Professionals, lawyers (including trainees) or consultants who intend to embark on a new path within companies operating in the field of agribusiness and feed or become external consultant(s) on the topics covered by the course.

The course, lasting 138 hours of face-to-face teaching, will be held indicatively in the period April - November 2024.
The course will be delivered entirely online. The lectures will be delivered in streaming mode and will be accessible, also in asynchronous mode, through the course's dedicated portal.
Lectures will be held on Thursdays, Fridays (9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and Saturdays (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.).

The teaching staff consists of university professors, magistrates, lawyers and corporate lawyers of proven competence and professionalism, who have gained high experience in the topics covered by the course.

The scientific committee of the course is composed of: Prof. Luigi Foffani (full professor of Criminal Law, Unimore and Director of the course), Prof. Francesco Diamanti (associate professor of Criminal Law, Unimore and Deputy Director of the course), Prof. Massimo Donini (full professor of Criminal Law, UniRoma “La Sapienza”), Prof. Donato Castronuovo (full professor of Ordinary Law, UniFe), Prof. Silvia Manservisi (associate professor of Agricultural Law, Unimore), Prof. Andrea Pulvirenti (full professor of Agricultural Microbiology, Unimore), Dr. Ludovico Bin (researcher of Criminal Law, Unimore).

Selection procedure: Evaluation of qualifications and curriculum
Course registration fee: € 2,000.00
Auditor registration fee:
It is also possible to enroll in one or more modules of the course by paying the following contributions:
- Module I: € 650.00
- Module II: € 650.00
- Module III: € 500.00
- Module IV: € 500.00
Deadline and terms of admission: See the announcement of admission.
Application submission by 12/04/2024 at: 12:00 noon


For educational and organizational information write to:
Prof. Francesco Diamanti (Deputy Director)
Dr. Federica Raffone (Tutor)

For administrative information:
Higher Education Office - Marco Biagi Foundation
Phone: 059 205 6036/6026

Research Center

The Postgraduate Course is sponsored by the Center for Interdepartmental Research on Food Safety (CRISA). All information on the Center's activities is available at the dedicated website.