Degree Class 14 - Legal Services Science.
The Bachelor's Degree in Legal Services Science has a three-year duration (180 CFU) and is open access.
The Course is structured in mixed mode (BLS - Blended learning system); this means that classroom lectures are flanked by distance learning, delivered through the Internet.
All lectures, in-person and distance learning, are video-recorded and made available to the
students through the dedicated web platform, which allows them to interact with lecturers through various systems.
Access to didactics delivered in blanded mode will be possible by connecting to the following link
The Bachelor of Science Degree in Legal Services is divided into two main educational areas:
- the first one, common and of two years' duration, focuses on learning basic legal knowledge and the fundamentals and mechanisms characterizing both the main areas of national law and the international legal and economic environment, which is accompanied by the necessary practice of the English language and the acquisition of basic practical and legal skills related to information technology.
- The second area of training, with a duration of one year, provides four courses of study
differentiated, each aimed at the in-depth study of specific subject areas aimed at the training of different professional figures:
- legal practitioner of business and the third sector;
- labor and industrial relations consultant;
- civil servant of public administrations and European and international institutions;
- legal-informatics and new technologies practitioner.
The curriculum choice must be made in the second year, during the period between October 30 and February 28, by logging on to one's personal page in esse3 and clicking under “Pathway Choice” after logging in.
Prof. Pierpaolo Bonacini
Prof. Maria Cristina Santini
Responsabile dei provvedimenti studenti
Prof. Guido Corapi
Referente CFU per "ulteriori attività formative"
Prof. Carlo Vellani - Operatori Giuridici d'Impresa
Prof. Alberto Tampieri - Consulenti del lavoro
Prof. Luca Vespignani - Giustizia, sicurezza pubblica e Amministrazione
Gruppo di AQ del Corso di Studio/Gruppo di Riesame
Prof. Pierpaolo Bonacini
Prof. Alessandro Valerio Guccione
Prof.ssa Marina Caporale
Sig.ra Admira Toja
The website page is being updated. The necessary information will be uploaded shortly.
Students enrolling in the Bachelor of Science in Legal Services program will be required to
compulsorily fulfill their additional educational obligations by means of a verification of their initial preparation.
Students are required to consult the Plan related to their matriculation year and RIGOROUSLY ATTEND to it.
All students enrolled in the 3rd year of the CdL in Legal Services Science are required to complete their study plan online.