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Student Workers


Bachelor of Science in Business and Public Administration Law (SGIPA).

Case 1:

Enrolled students of the CdL in SGIPA who carry out relevant and significant work activities with respect to the curriculum of the SGIPA degree course may obtain, upon request to the Department Council made using the appropriate form (attachment no. 6), the recognition of up to 12 CFUs for “additional educational activities (D.M. 270/04, art. 10, paragraph 5, letter d).” The completed and signed form must be delivered, by the student, to the Student Secretariat (Via Università 4, Modena), or by e-mail to The remaining CFUs (to reach the overall total of 21 CFUs for “further educational activities (D.M. 270/04, art. 10, paragraph 5, lett. d)”) can be achieved by taking exams and writing a thesis related to the work activity carried out (3 CFUs), based on agreements with the SGIPA Referent. Once the agreed examinations have been passed, the thesis paper has been delivered to the SGIPA Referent and a positive evaluation of it, expressed by the Referent in writing (in hard copy or by email), has been achieved, the student concerned will report the corresponding data on a special form (attachment no. 7), which must be signed and delivered to the SGIPA Referent.

Case 2:

Working students who carry out work activities that do not fall under the hypotheses of CASE 1 can earn (in whole or in part) CFUs for “additional educational activities (D.M. 270/04, art. 10, paragraph 5, lett. d)” by taking additional exams, subject to the submission to the SGIPA Referent of a project of educational pathway, which must be compatible with the Degree Course. In particular, the examinations may be chosen from those that, not being taught in the SGIPA Degree Course, would result as a formative debt for the purposes of a possible transfer or enrollment with abbreviated LMG Degree Course. After agreeing with the SGIPA Referent which exams to take, the interested student must submit to the Departmental Council the appropriate request for authorization, filling out the prepared form (attachment no. 8), which must also be signed by the SGIPA Referent and then delivered, by the student, to the Student Secretariat (Via Università 4, Modena) or by e-mail to When the student has carried out activities in such a way as to reach the total 21 CFUs for “additional educational activities (D.M. 270/04, art. 10, paragraph 5, lett. d)” he/she will have to make contact with the Internship Office for the delivery of the corresponding documentation. The Internship Office will make the necessary arrangements for the verbalization of the 21 CFUs on the student's transcript.

SGIPA REFEREE: Prof. Guido Corapi (


Corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza (LMG)

Gli immatricolati del CdL in LMG che svolgano attività lavorativa rilevante e significativa rispetto al piano di studi del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza possono ottenere, previa richiesta al Consiglio di Dipartimento formulata utilizzando apposito modulo ( allegato n. 6), il riconoscimento di 3 CFU per “ulteriori attività formative (D.M. 270/04, art. 10, comma 5, lett. d)”. Il modulo compilato e firmato dovrà essere consegnato in Segreteria studenti (Via Università 4, Modena) oppure per mail a

Master's Degree Course in Law (LMG)

Enrolled students of the CdL in LMG who carry out relevant and significant work activities with respect to the curriculum of the Master of Science in Law Degree Course may obtain, upon request to the Departmental Council made using the appropriate form ( attachment no. 6), the recognition of 3 CFUs for “additional educational activities (D.M. 270/04, art. 10, paragraph 5, lett. d).” The completed and signed form should be delivered to the Student Secretary's Office (Via Università 4, Modena) or by e-mail to

LMG REFEREE: Prof. Silvia Manservisi (