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Internship Platform


The Department of Law uses the Internship Platform of the UNIMORE Placement Services portal for the activation of curricular internships for its students.

How to activate a Curricular Internship through the Internship Platform.


1. For COMPANIES not affiliated with the Department of Law.

Companies that are not registered must necessarily register with the Internship Platform

Access link (only in italian language)


After logging in to the Placement Services Portal, to request an Internship Agreement, it is necessary to select GESTIONE TIROCINI > CONVENZIONI > INSERISCI NUOVA CONVENZIONE and fill out the form, taking care to choose the Department of origin of the student who is to carry out the internship.

Once the request has been submitted, it is necessary to notify the relevant Internship Office by email, who will approve the agreement and notify the host, through the platform.

After the approval of the agreement, to complete the procedure:

- companies/private entities will have to download the document from the Platform, digitally sign it (signing in PADES is preferred), upload it back to the platform and inform the Internship Office ( by sending an email

- public entities should download the document from the Platform, digitally sign it (signature in PADES is preferred)and transmit it to the Internship Office by certified e-mail (PEC)  .

The 'activation of the Convention will be notified in the Platform.

Conventions are effective for three years and will be tacitly renewed for an additional three years unless terminated in writing.

For O.S. who do not have a digital signature, the document must be downloaded from the Platform, signed and sent in original to the Internship Office of the Intern's Department, to which a paper stamp must be affixed.

* Agreements can be delivered in original to the Department's concierge desk (Via San Geminiano, 3 - open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00), or, by mail to the address:

Department of Law - Internship Office
Via San Geminiano, 3
41121 - MODENA (MO)

2. For COMPANIES that have an agreement with the Department of Law.

They will have to log into the Platform, with the credentials issued during registration, and enter the Training Project.



Training Project

Insertion of the Training Project is possible only by the host, who can fill out the form even while waiting for the approval of the Agreement.

It should be noted that, as stipulated in the GENERAL RULES OF ATENEO FOR THE PERFORMING OF INTERNSHIP art. 4 paragraph 7, “The internship cannot be carried out at a facility where the manager in charge has ties of kinship and affinity within the 2nd degree with the intern.”

To enter a Training Project, after logging in to the Placement Services Portal, it is necessary to Select GESTIONE TIROCINI > PROGETTI FORMATIVI > INSERISCI NUOVO PROGETTO FORMATIVO and fill in the appropriate form.

The company must enter:

- the Fiscal Code and Matriculation Number of the student with whom it intends to activate the curricular internship;

- the details of the proposed internship (duration, location, planned activities, company tutor, etc.).

The Internship Office will give notice of approval to the host through the Platform only after verifying:

- the possession of the requirements for access to the internship by the student concerned;

- the adequacy of the training objectives envisaged by the proposed internship.

To complete the procedure host and intern must sign the Training Project, which can be downloaded from the Platform, and deliver it to the Internship Office, or, send it by email ( for the relevant signature, prior to the start date provided on the document.

The office will send notification that the internship has been activated and will return a signed copy of the Training Project, via scan attached to the Platform.


In order to activate the internship, students must deliver to the Internship Office, or, by email ( the INTERNSHIP APPLICATION and register with ALMALAUREA by filling out the relevant questionnaire.

To view, print and sign their Training Projects, UNIMORE students must be registered in Almalaurea and have updated their Almalaurea Curriculum Vitae with the inclusion of the course of study to which they are attualmente iscritti.

Access link (only in italian language)

1. New registration:
(a) Students/Graduates
(b) Master's degrees
(c) Doctorates

2.  Already registered students/graduates

3. Password retrieval for Students/Graduates.

After logging in to their personal AlmaGo page, the student/graduate can select “Internships. Manage Your Internships” to view the details and status of the Training Project requested by a company.
The Training Project can only be entered by the company.

The Internship Office will approve the internship after verifying:

- the possession of the requirements for access to the internship by the student concerned;

- the appropriateness of the training objectives envisaged by the proposed internship.

The student will be notified of the internship approval by email from

After approval, in order to activate the internship company and student must sign the Training Project and deliver it to the Internship Office for the relevant signature before the start date. The student can download this document from his or her personal page in AlmaGo, under the section “Internships. Manage your internships.”

Once the internship is activated, the student will receive from the Internship Office:

- an email notification (from with the start date of the internship;

- a signed copy of the training project, which will be attached to the Platform;


Students at the end of the experience for the recognition of University Training Credits (CFUs) must submit (by email) to the Internship Office:

-the time sheet, signed and stamped by the HOST SUBJECT;

-the final report, signed by the student.

The internship office having verified the correctness of the data, will notify the student of the roll call for the CFU record, the student must register as in a normal exam roll call.

N.B.: At the end of the internship, the Placement Platform will email the host and the student an evaluation questionnaire on the experience to be completed necessarily for the purpose of the verbalization of CFUs for UAF.

For more information contact the Department's Internship Office.
Head -Michela Pia De Felice
Reception hours at the counter - mezzanine floor (Administrative Secretariat of the Department) of Via San Geminiano, No. 3, 41121 - Modena.
Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon (effective from 08.01.2020)
Telephone Reception Hours: Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Phone: +39 059 205 8213 - e-mail:

Please note that there is no telephone reception during the above hours.

Depending on the organizational needs of the office, there may be variations in the reception hours, so before going to the office, I invite you to make contact by e-mail

Below are the downloadable forms (only in italian language available)

TRANSFER FORM : if on certain days the host facility will have to be different/outside from the one indicated on the P.F. it is necessary to notify the Internship Office at least one day in advance (printable pdf).
EXTENDATION FORM : if it will be necessary to extend the period of activation of the internship the communication to the Internship Office must be made at least one week in advance of the date indicated on the P.F. (printable pdf) and the form must be signed by the Host.