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Information to Students

The Department of Law, in order to facilitate the professional choices of its students through direct knowledge of the world of work, promotes training and orientation internship initiatives.

The internship, in fact, is an important opportunity offered to students to acquire professionalism, enrich their curriculum and get in touch with companies for a possible future employment outlet.

Considering such a fundamental experience, the Law Department has provided in its educational paths the possibility of acquiring University Educational Credits (CFU) through the performance of internships.

The internships are organized through special Agreements entered into by the Department, or the University, with Public Bodies, private companies, and professional associations present in the context not only locally, but also nationally and internationally.

Students can become active on their own in the search for an internship, or they can avail themselves of the support of the Department's Internship Office in the search for a corporate partner. It is, moreover, possible to consult the internship offers available on the UNIMORE Placement Services Announcement Board.

Students who, according to the internship access criteria of their course, are about to start the internship, must notify the Internship Office in order to prepare the necessary documentation. Under no circumstances is it possible to start the internship before the conclusion of the training project.

Purpose of the internship

The training and orientation internship (so called Internship) constitutes a moment of first approach to the labor market, allowing the trainee to undertake, supported by a company tutor, a highly qualifying on-the-job training.


The internship does not constitute an employment relationship, although it assimilates some of its characteristics.

The duration of the internship varies, although the regulations set a limit of 6 months (24 months for handicapped individuals).

It is possible to distinguish between two types of internships:

- “Curricular” internships

These are the internships provided for in the curricula of individual bachelor's and master's degree programs; their fulfillment is aimed at the acquisition of the university credits necessary to obtain the degree.

- “Extra-curricular” internships.

These are the internships aimed at recent graduates who intend to realize a first approach to the world of work. The activation of the internship is possible within 12 months of obtaining the academic degree.

Please note: As of July 2019, extracurricular internships are temporarily suspended.


For both types of internships, activation is done by signing:

- Agreement between the University (so-called Promoting Entity) and the company/entity (so-called Host Entity), containing summary indications on the relationship between the entities;

- Training Project, which specifies the main elements of the individual internships activated, such as: the trainee's personal data; the objectives and content of the internship; the insurance coverage guaranteed by the University as the promoting entity; and the duration and period of the internship.

For more information contact the Department's Internship Office.
Head -Michela Pia De Felice
Reception hours at the counter - mezzanine floor (Administrative Secretariat of the Department) of Via San Geminiano, No. 3, 41121 - Modena.
Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon (effective from 08.01.2020)
Telephone Reception Hours: Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Phone: +39 059 205 8213 - e-mail:

Please note that there is no telephone reception during the above hours.

Depending on the organizational needs of the office, there may be variations in the reception hours, so before going to the office, I invite you to make contact by e-mail