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Incoming Erasmus students


If you are an Erasmus student or you would like to come at our Department in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, at the following links you will find all useful information you need.

How to enroll (Admission procedures/International students website)

Erasmus coordinator of the Department of Law
Prof. Luigi Foffani

Department Erasmus Office
Dott.ssa Tea Palermo (office: I floor)
Phone.: +39 059-2058280
reception: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday hours 10.30-12.30

International Relations Office

The International Relations Office is a stable organizational structure that coordinates and manages activities related to student mobility programs, providing information and assistance to both Italian and foreign students moving under international mobility programs. The service operates in collaboration with the faculty members responsible for mobility in the various departments.

Via Università, 4 - 41121 Modena
Ph: +39 059 205 6568/6571/6576 - Fax: +39 059 205 6566

Reggio Emilia
Via Allegri, 15 - 42121 Reggio Emilia
Ph: +39 0522 52 2029 - Fax: +39 0522 52 2199

Opzioni di configurazione per Aperto Naviga la sezione

Single Courses

CourseAccademic offer in english
Private Law link
History of Medieval and Modern Law link
Philosophy of Law link
International Law link
European and international criminal Law link
Law and Religion link
Comparative Human Rights Lawlink
European and International Tax Lawlink
Introduction to Italian Lawlink
Arbitration and Sport Lawlink
European Company lawlink

In order to look the accademic offer in english, switch Esse3 in Eng mode.

Accademic offer 2024/25

PhD Research Programme 

Summer Schools

Summer School "RENZO IMBENI" link

Courses held in English Language A.A. 2024.2025

Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza via san Geminiano, 3 41121 - Modena - ITALY

European and international criminal LawBERRINO GiorgiaCIUS/17642lLMGV
International LawCARCANO AndreaBIUS/13963lLMGlll
European and International Tax LawFREGNI Maria CeciliaCIUS/12642lLMGV
Arbitration and Sport LawCORSINI FilippoDIUS/15642lLMGlV
Introduction to italian lawFoffani, Bartolacelli, CaporaleDIUS/17-IUS/04-IUS/09642lLMGlV
Private LawTINTI FedericaAIUS/011284llLMGl
History of medieval and modern lawAGRI' AlessandroAIUS/19963llLMGl
Philosophy of LawZANETTI GianfrancescoAIUS/20963llLMGl
Law and ReligionPACILLO VincenzoCIUS/11642llLMGV
Comparative Human Rights LawSONELLI Silvia AngelaCIUS/02642llLMGV
European company LawBARTOLACELLI AlessioDIUS/04642llLMGlV

Dipartimento di Ingegneria “E.Ferrari” Campus Ingegneria via Pietro Vivarelli, 10, 41125 – Modena-- ITALY

"Intellectual Property Protection in the EU"FERRARI IsabellaDIUS/02662llLM Electronic Engineering  ll

Dipartimento di STUDI LINGUISTICI E CULTURALI largo Sant'Eufemia, 19, 41121 - Modena

The Erasmus+ students incoming at the Department of Law are also allowed to attend the following courses held at the Department of Studi Linguistici e Culturali (Language and Culture Studies). 

The following conditions must be met:

  • each course can accommodate a maximum of 5 incoming Erasmus+ students in Law (the students interested in attending the course must inform the Department of Law Erasmus+ office for the due communication with the Department of Language and Culture Studies),
  • each student enrolled in these courses must have a B2 proficiency in English. This level of proficiency can be demonstrated by:
  1. an officially acknowledged international language certification, or
  2. a statement issued by the university of origin, or
  3. a statement by the reference teacher for the subject the course is related to, who assess the level of proficiency achieved by the student.
Introduction to International Economics - Francesca PANCOTTOcaratt954ILACOMI
Introduction to European and International Law - Francesco PIGHI /Vincenzo PACILLOcaratt636IILACOMI
Digital Communication and Human Rights Vincenzo PACILLOcaratt636IILACOMI
Economic Development and SustainabilityNadia GARBELLINIaffini636IILACOMII
International Commercial LawFrancesco PIGHIcaratt636ILACOMII