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1) Horizon 2020

EQUAL-IST ("Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institution")

The starting point of the project is the observation that women remain a minority in the academic field, especially in the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical (STEM) disciplines.

The research project involves seven universities active in the field of Information Sciences (IS) and/or Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Coordinator: Prof. Claudia Canali



2) Justice Programme (JUST), call JUST-2021

Legal Protection for Social Parenthood – JUST-PARENT

The project "Legal Protection for Social Parenthood – JUST-PARENT" aims to stimulate debates on the lack of recognition of some parental relationships that leads to the dissociation between status, filiation and procreation. In particular, it focuses on the new concept of 'social parenting', as an alternative and, hypothetically, more appropriate model to the interest of the child.

Coordinator: Prof. Federico Pedrini


3) European project ECLIPS

"Enhancing the Capacity to combat chiLd abuse through an Integral training and Protocol for childcare professionalS"

The project aims at Enhancing the capacity of childcare professionals to discover, combat and deal with cases of domestic child abuse and  traumatic symptoms related to it.

Scientific director: Prof. Giovanna Laura De Fazio