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San Geminiano Historical Headquarters

The Department of Law is located in Modena in the historical headquarters of San Geminiano, in Via San Geminiano 3.

The classrooms are located on three floors: Ground Floor, Mezzanine Floor and First Floor.

On the ground floor there are also the Language Laboratory, made of 42 places equipped for interactive communication between teacher and students, and the Computer Laboratory, which is equipped with 49 workstations for teaching activities, student research activities, thesis typing, connection to Internet and consulting databases.

Map of the premises (classrooms, offices and teacher studios):
• Ground Floor: Aula Magna and classrooms A, B, C, D, E-F, G
• Mezzanine floor: classrooms H, I, L
• First Floor: Conference Room and Classrooms M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T
• Second Floor

The Computer Laboratory is available to the students of the Department at variable times, depending on the teaching period.

Please check the availability of the classrooms by connecting to the AuleUnimore website, select  Areas: [MO 39] – San Geminiano (Law) and click on the date of interest.


How to reach the Department of Law

Main address:
Complesso San Geminiano
via San Geminiano, 3
41121 - Modena (Italy)
tel. +39 059 205 8170

View in Google Maps the map with the indication of the position of the Department of Law

By train:
- from the Train Station in Piazza Dante Alighieri: bus numbers 7, 4, 11
- from the Bus Station Corriere (via Fabriani) and Park-Parking Novi Park: bus number 7

By plane:
- best arrival airport Gugliemo Marconi of Bologna

Opening hours:
The Department of Law is open to the public from 8.30 to 19.00, from Monday to Friday.
The reception area is located on the ground floor. For any information please contact: tel. +39 059 205 8170.
In August, the Department observes a reduced opening.

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